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专业背景:计算机科学 研究方向与兴趣: JavaEE-Web软件开发, 生物信息学, 数据挖掘与机器学习, 智能信息系统 目前工作: 基因组, 转录组, NGS高通量数据分析, 生物数据挖掘, 植物系统发育和比较进化基因组学

MyEclipse 8.5可以下载了  

2010-06-01 21:19:16|  分类: java-j2ee |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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MyEclipse 8.5可以下载了,下载地址为:



MyEclispe 8.5是基于Eclipse 3.5.2的,


1- MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 8.5 Custom Install (11/23/2009)


2- MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 8.5 for Windows 7/Vista/XP/NT/2000/98 (3/26/2010)




MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 8.5 for Eclipse 3.5.2 is now available for download.

Make sure to review the New and Noteworthy document and the release notes.

For Windows: the MyEclipse All-in-One installer is bundled with Eclipse and JRE, and requires no other downloads to get up and running.
To Install Using Eclipse Update Site: be sure Eclipse 3.5.2 "Classic" is installed. Start Eclipse > Select Help > Software Updates > Available Software Tab > Add Site > Enter this URL
From there you just "Next" your way through the wizard and MyEclipse will be installed for you.
Version: 8.5 | File size: 825.84 MB
MD5 : a9038148dcde9066abc3711bf8ee636c
Added on: 26-Mar-2010


3. MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 8.5 for Latest Linux (03/26/2010)




MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 8.5 for Eclipse 3.5.2 is now available for download.

Make sure to review the New and Noteworthy document and the release notes.

For Linux: the MyEclipse All-in-One installer supports CentOS/RedHat, Ubuntu and Fedora, is bundled with Eclipse and JRE, and requires no other downloads to get up and running.
To Install Using Eclipse Update Site: be sure Eclipse 3.5.2 "Classic" is installed. Start Eclipse > Select Help > Software Updates > Available Software Tab > Add Site > Enter this URL

From there you just "Next" your way through the wizard and MyEclipse will be installed for you.
Version: 8.5 | File size: 853.26 MB
MD5 : 32Bit:db44e273c9443d4d1bbff90456392312d | 64 BIt: efa1240403dd8e09aff67ccf0b968d4f
Added on: 26-Mar-2010

4. MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench Version 8.5 for Mac OS/X (03/26/2010)




MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 8.5 for Eclipse 3.5.2 is now available for download.

Make sure to review the New and Noteworthy document and the release notes.

For Mac: the MyEclipse All-in-One installer is bundled with Eclipse and JRE, and requires no other downloads to get up and running.
To Install Using Eclipse Update Site: be sure Eclipse 3.5.2 "Classic" is installed. Start Eclipse > Select Help > Software Updates > Available Software Tab > Add Site > Enter this URL

From there you just "Next" your way through the wizard and MyEclipse will be installed for you.
Version: 8.5 | File size: 756.84 MB
MD5 : def45dd8c1b6acc99717704c314a5f17
Added on: 26-Mar-2010


5. MyEclipse Archived Update Site 8.5 (3/26/2010)




The MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 8.5 archive update site is now available for download. Make sure to review the New and Noteworthy document and the release notes.  

To use: be sure Eclipse 3.5.1 "Classic" is installed. Download the MyEclipse archived update then go to Help > Software Updates > Available Software > Add Site > Archive... > Select the archived update site you downloaded > OK. Select features "MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench" and any additional ones you descire like "Matisse4MyEclipse" and then click "Install..." following the install wizard to completion.
Version: 8.5 | File size: 702.40 MB
MD5 : c7f07195f757e27f0769f82028f2beaa
Added on: 26-Mar-2010

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