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专业背景:计算机科学 研究方向与兴趣: JavaEE-Web软件开发, 生物信息学, 数据挖掘与机器学习, 智能信息系统 目前工作: 基因组, 转录组, NGS高通量数据分析, 生物数据挖掘, 植物系统发育和比较进化基因组学

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2010-03-06 22:08:25|  分类: 数理统计 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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UCLA Online Seminars and Classes 各种统计软件在线免费教程视频 收藏

Online Seminars and Classes
We have over 45 online seminars/classes and an entire 10 week course on Latent Variable Analysis that you can access any time day or night. These online seminars are indicated by the suffix with movies and are easy to view in just about any browser on just about any platform. We encourage you to watch these seminars to improve your skills in the statistical packages and statistical techniques covered.  If you are a UCLA researcher working on research such as your dissertation, a publication, or grant related research, we would welcome you to ask more questions about these techniques and how they apply to your research via our consulting services. We do not currently have any live seminars planned or scheduled, but if you join the ATSstat mailing list you can be sure to be notified if we schedule seminars.

Complete List of Seminars and Classes
Introduction to Stata with movies
Regression with Stata
Logistic Regression with Stata with movies
Beyond Binary Logistic Regression with Stata with movies
Visualizing Main Effects and Interactions for Binary Logit Models in Stata with movies
Survey Data Analysis with Stata 8 with movies
Introduction to Survey Data Analysis with Stata 9
Applied Survey Data Analysis with Stata 9 with movie and mp3
Survival Analysis Using Stata
Graphics using Stata 8 with movies
Introduction to Programming in Stata
What's New in Stata 8
What's New in Stata 9
What's New in Stata 10
Introduction to SAS with movies
Regression with SAS
Logistic Regression in SAS
Repeated Measures Analysis in SAS with movies
Survival Analysis Using SAS
Multilevel Modeling using SAS
Using Arrays in SAS with movies
Using Arrays in SAS
Introduction to SAS Macro Language with movies
SAS Output Delivery System
Graphics using SAS
Introduction to SPSS with movies
SPSS Tutorials. These tutorials are developed and distributed from Texas A&M University
Beyond Point and Click: SPSS Syntax with movies
Regression with SPSS with movies
Repeated Measures Analysis in SPSS
Graphics using SPSS
Mplus and Latent Variable Analysis
Statistical Analysis with Latent Variables (a 10 week course) with movies
Professor Bengt Muthén taught this 10 week course on the Statistical Analysis with Latent Variables during Spring quarter 2004, featuring the newly released version 3 of the Mplus program, see http://www.statmodel.com. ATS worked with OID and Professor Muthén to record these lectures so you may view the video streams of the course.
General Latent Variable Modeling using Mplus Version 3 (Professor Bengt Muthén speaking at SMABS 2004 at Jena University) with movies
Multilevel Modeling in Mplus (Professor Bengt Muthén speaking at Johns Hopkins University) with movies
Statistical Analysis with Latent Variables using Mplus 3 (guest speaker Bengt Muthén) with movies
Latent Class Analysis (guest speaker Karen Nylund) with movies
Discrete Time Survival Analysis, (guest Speaker Katherine Masyn) with movies
Longitudinal Models with Zero Inflation, (guest Speaker Frauke Kreuter) with movies
Introduction to using Mplus 3 with movies
Introduction to Mplus - Featuring Confirmatory Factor Analysis (under construction)
Building Your Mplus Skills
Introduction to SUDAAN
Latent GOLD
Introduction to Latent GOLD with movies
Latent Class Regression Analysis (also download handouts) by Jeroen Vermunt from the SMABS 2004 Conference in Jena
Repeated Measures Analysis in R
Introduction to R
Introduction to Statistica with movies
Longitudinal Data Analysis
Longitudinal Research: Present Status and Future Prospects by Judith Singer & John Willett with movies
Analyzing Longitudinal Data using Multilevel Modeling with movies
Multilevel Modeling
Multilevel Modeling in Mplus (Professor Bengt Muthén speaking at Johns Hopkins University) with movies
Multilevel Modeling using Mplus - see Week 10 of Statistical Analysis with Latent Variables (Education 231e) with movies
Multilevel Modeling using MLwiN
Introduction to Multilevel Modeling Using HLM
Introduction to Multilevel Modeling Using HLM 6.04 (outline.pdf)
Survey Data Analysis
Introduction to Survey Data Analysis
Power Analysis
Introduction to Power Analysis LIVE! February 12, 4-6 p.m. in MS 5628
Intermediate Power Analysis (with mp3) by Jason Cole
Advanced Power Analysis (with mp3) by Jason Cole
Special Topics
Regression Models with Count Data (with movie) (with mp3)
Statistical Writing (notes) LIVE! February 5, 4-6 p.m. in MS 5628
Funding Your Graduate Work (with movie) (with mp3)
Proposal Workshop (with movie) (with mp3)
Proposal Workshop 2 (with movie) (with mp3)
Archival Data
Finding and Using Archival Data with movies
Making Movies for Distribution over the Web with movies
Resources for Teaching Statistics
Resources and Trends in Statistical Computing
Introduction to Statistical Packages


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