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专业背景:计算机科学 研究方向与兴趣: JavaEE-Web软件开发, 生物信息学, 数据挖掘与机器学习, 智能信息系统 目前工作: 基因组, 转录组, NGS高通量数据分析, 生物数据挖掘, 植物系统发育和比较进化基因组学

CSC-IT Center for Science  

2010-01-07 14:01:36|  分类: 生信分析软件 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Bioinformatics Tools

Programs marked with W can be used with a web browser.

General sequence analysis packages

  • EMBOSS  Programs for analysing DNA and amino acid sequence data. W

DNA microarray data analysis

  • Chipster Easy-to-use graphical software for DNA microarray data analysis based on R/Bioconductor

  • R / Bioconductor A statistical environment with support for genomics

Sequence assembly

  • MIRA Whole Genome Shotgun and EST Sequence Assembler
  • Velvet assembler for very short reads
  • SAMtools utilities for manging SAM/BAM formatted alignmnet files

Promoter analysis

Database searching and sequence alignment

  • BLAST Sequence database homology search tool. W

  • Exonerate  Generic sequence alignment tool W
  • HMMER Sequence database search based on profile-HMM.

  • PairsDB  A tool to retrieve pre-calculated BLAST and PSI-BLAST results form the PairsDB database. W
  • SSAHA2 Fast hash function based search tool for DNA sequences
  • Wise2 (GeneWise) comparing protein sequences and HMMs to nucleotide sequences

Multiple sequence alignment

  • CD-HIT Sequence clustering and redundancy removal
  • ClustalW Multiple sequence alignment W

  • Muscle A fast and accurate multiple sequence alignment program W
  • MAFFT Multiple sequece alignment program W
  • Seaview A multiple sequence alignment editor

  • JalView A multiple sequence alignment editor

Pathway analysis


  • MrBayes Program for inferring phylogenies using bayesian methods
  • PHYLIP Package for inferring phylogenies W

  • POY Program for inferring phylogenies

  • RAxML Fast program for inferring phylogenies with likelihood

  • TNT A fast program for inferring phylogenies with parsimony methods

Structural Biology

  • Discovery Studio Molecular modeling package D
  • Maestro Molecular modeling package

  • RasMol Molecular graphics visualisation

  • Rosetta Protein structure prediction and protien docking tool
  • VMD Molecular graphics visualisation

RNA secundary structure prediction

  • Vienna Package (within EMBOSS)

Gene mapping

  • MERLIN A fast program for nonparametric linkage, and haplotyping

  • LINKAGE / FASTLINK Parametric linkage analysis

  • GENEHUNTER Multi-point linkage calculations for small pedigrees

  • SNPHAP Population-based SNP haplotype reconstruction

  • SimWalk2 Haplotyping, and non-parametric analysis

  • DHSMAP Fine-mapping of qualitative traits by linkage disequilibrium

  • SLINK Power simulation tool for linkage studies based

  • PedCheck Detects marker typing incompatibilities in pedigree data

  • Mega2 Converts Linkage-format files to other formats

  • Pseudomarker Joint linkage and LD analysis

Systems biology

  • bestim Gene regulatory network inference under the Boolean network model.

  • decomptool Decomposition of biochemical networks into subnetworks

  • FBAtool A program for flux balance analysis of metabolic networks

  • SOSlib Program for running simulations for SBML formatted models.

Other tools

  • Bioperl Bioinformatics tools for perl programming

  • Jnet Protein secondary structure prediction program

  • Primer PCR primer design

  • TMHMM Transmembrane helix prediction tool

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