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专业背景:计算机科学 研究方向与兴趣: JavaEE-Web软件开发, 生物信息学, 数据挖掘与机器学习, 智能信息系统 目前工作: 基因组, 转录组, NGS高通量数据分析, 生物数据挖掘, 植物系统发育和比较进化基因组学


2010-01-05 18:43:28|  分类: R&Bioconductor |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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This is also called the “White Book”, and introduced S version 3, which added structures to facilitate statistical modeling in S.

[bib | Discount Info | Publisher Info | http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/ms/departments/sia/Sbook/ ]
This “Green Book” describes version 4 of S, a major revision of S designed by John Chambers to improve its usefulness at every stage of the programming process.

[bib | Discount Info | Publisher Info | http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/MASS4/ ]

[bib | Discount Info | Publisher Info | http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/MASS3/Sprog/ ]
This provides an in-depth guide to writing software in the S language which forms the basis of both the commercial S-Plus and the Open Source R data analysis software systems.

[bib | Discount Info | Publisher Info | http://www.stat.Berkeley.EDU/users/statlabs/ ]
Integrates theory of statistics with the practice of statistics through a collection of case studies (“labs”), and uses R to analyze the data.

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A comprehensive guide to the use of the `nlme' package for linear and nonlinear mixed-effects models.

[bib | Discount Info | Publisher Info | http://biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/twiki/bin/view/Main/RmS ]

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This book, written in Spanish, is oriented to researchers interested in applying multivariate analysis techniques to real processes. It combines the theoretical basis with applied examples coded in R.

[bib | http://socserv.socsci.mcmaster.ca/jfox/Books/Companion/index.html ]
A companion book to a text or course on applied regression (such as “Applied Regression, Linear Models, and Related Methods” by the same author). It introduces S, and concentrates on how to use linear and generalized-linear models in S while assuming familiarity with the statistical methodology.

[bib | Discount Info | Publisher Info | http://www.biostat.ku.dk/~pd/ISwR.html ]
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[bib | Publisher Info | http://wwwmaths.anu.edu.au/~johnm/r-book.html ]
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[bib | Discount Info | Publisher Info | http://www.maths.bath.ac.uk/~jjf23/LMR/ ]
The book focuses on the practice of regression and analysis of variance. It clearly demonstrates the different methods available and in which situations each one applies. It covers all of the standard topics, from the basics of estimation to missing data, factorial designs, and block designs, but it also includes discussion of topics, such as model uncertainty, rarely addressed in books of this type. The presentation incorporates an abundance of examples that clarify both the use of each technique and the conclusions one can draw from the results.

[bib | Discount Info | Publisher Info | http://astro.temple.edu/~rmh/HH ]

[bib | Discount Info | Publisher Info | http://wiener.math.csi.cuny.edu/UsingR/ ]

[bib | Discount Info | Publisher Info | http://www.cs.rhul.ac.uk/home/fionn/ ]

[bib | Discount Info | Publisher Info | http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~paul/RGraphics/rgraphics.html ]

[bib | Publisher Info | http://www.bio.ic.ac.uk/research/crawley/statistics/ ]

[bib | Discount Info | Publisher Info | http://biostatistics.iop.kcl.ac.uk/publications/everitt/ ]

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Computational Genome Analysis: An Introduction presents the foundations of key p roblems in computational molecular biology and bioinformatics. It focuses on com putational and statistical principles applied to genomes, and introduces the mat hematics and statistics that are crucial for understanding these applications. A ll computations are done with R.

[bib | Discount Info | Publisher Info ]
This volume's coverage is broad and ranges across most of the key capabilities of the Bioconductor project, including importation and preprocessing of high-throughput data from microarray, proteomic, and flow cytometry platforms.

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This is a book for statistical practitioners, particularly those who design and analyze studies for survival and event history data. Its goal is to extend the toolkit beyond the basic triad provided by most statistical packages: the Kaplan-Meier estimator, log-rank test, and Cox regression model.

[bib | Discount Info | Publisher Info | http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Descriptions/HSAUR.html ]
With emphasis on the use of R and the interpretation of results rather than the theory behind the methods, this book addresses particular statistical techniques and demonstrates how they can be applied to one or more data sets using R. The authors provide a concise introduction to R, including a summary of its most important features. They cover a variety of topics, such as simple inference, generalized linear models, multilevel models, longitudinal data, cluster analysis, principal components analysis, and discriminant analysis. With numerous figures and exercises, A Handbook of Statistical Analysis using R provides useful information for students as well as statisticians and data analysts.

[bib | Discount Info | Publisher Info | http://www.maths.bath.ac.uk/~jjf23/ELM/ ]
This book surveys the techniques that grow from the regression model, presenting three extensions to that framework: generalized linear models (GLMs), mixed effect models, and nonparametric regression models. The author's treatment is thoroughly modern and covers topics that include GLM diagnostics, generalized linear mixed models, trees, and even the use of neural networks in statistics. To demonstrate the interplay of theory and practice, throughout the book the author weaves the use of the R software environment to analyze the data of real examples, providing all of the R commands necessary to reproduce the analyses.

[bib | Discount Info | Publisher Info | http://www.fp.vslib.cz/kap/picek/robust/ ]

[bib | Discount Info | Publisher Info | http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Descriptions/gamair.html ]
This book imparts a thorough understanding of the theory and practical applications of GAMs and related advanced models, enabling informed use of these very flexible tools. The author bases his approach on a framework of penalized regression splines, and builds a well- grounded foundation through motivating chapters on linear and generalized linear models. While firmly focused on the practical aspects of GAMs, discussions include fairly full explanations of the theory underlying the methods. The treatment is rich with practical examples, and it includes an entire chapter on the analysis of real data sets using R and the author's add-on package mgcv. Each chapter includes exercises, for which complete solutions are provided in an appendix.

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The book encompasses seasonal unit roots, fractional integration, coping with structural breaks, and inference in cointegrated vector autoregressive models.

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This book provides a broad introduction to the subject of environmental space-time processes, addressing the role of uncertainty. It covers a spectrum of technical matters from measurement to environmental epidemiology to risk assessment. It showcases non-stationary vector-valued processes, while treating stationarity as a special case. In particular, with members of their research group the authors developed within a hierarchical Bayesian framework, the new statistical approaches presented in the book for analyzing, modeling, and monitoring environmental spatio-temporal processes. Furthermore they indicate new directions for development.

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Geostatistics is concerned with estimation and prediction problems for spatially continuous phenomena, using data obtained at a limited number of spatial locations. The name reflects its origins in mineral exploration, but the methods are now used in a wide range of settings including public health and the physical and environmental sciences. Model-based geostatistics refers to the application of general statistical principles of modeling and inference to geostatistical problems. This volume is the first book-length treatment of model-based geostatistics.

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This book integrates a wide variety of data analysis methods into a single and flexible interface: the R language, an open source language is available for a wide range of computer systems and has been adopted as a computational environment by many authors of statistical software. Adopting R as a main tool for phylogenetic analyses sease the workflow in biologists' data analyses, ensure greater scientific repeatability, and enhance the exchange of ideas and methodological developments.

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This book provides a detailed account of the theoretical foundations of proposed multiple testing methods and illustrates their application to a range of testing problems in genomics.

[bib | Publisher Info | http://www.statistik.uni-dortmund.de/~ligges/PmitR/ ]
R ist eine objekt-orientierte und interpretierte Sprache und Programmierumgebung für Datenanalyse und Grafik - frei erh?ltlich unter der GPL. Das Buch führt in die Grundlagen der Sprache R ein und vermittelt ein umfassendes Verst?ndnis der Sprachstruktur. Die enormen Grafikf?higkeiten von R werden detailliert beschrieben. Der Leser kann leicht eigene Methoden umsetzen, Objektklassen definieren und ganze Pakete aus Funktionen und zugeh?riger Dokumentation zusammenstellen. Ob Diplomarbeit, Forschungsprojekte oder Wirtschaftsdaten, das Buch unterstützt alle, die R als flexibles Werkzeug zur Datenanalyse und -visualisierung einsetzen m?chten.

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Introduction to Bayesian Statistics and Estimation for Social Scientists covers the complete process of Bayesian statistical analysis in great detail from the development of a model through the process of making statistical inference. The key feature of this book is that it covers models that are most commonly used in social science research-including the linear regression model, generalized linear models, hierarchical models, and multivariate regression models-and it thoroughly develops each real-data example in painstaking detail.

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