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专业背景:计算机科学 研究方向与兴趣: JavaEE-Web软件开发, 生物信息学, 数据挖掘与机器学习, 智能信息系统 目前工作: 基因组, 转录组, NGS高通量数据分析, 生物数据挖掘, 植物系统发育和比较进化基因组学


2009-12-01 09:56:48|  分类: 计算机 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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分类 自然语言处理, 计算语言学 



a) 作者:Igor A. Bolshakov and Alexander Gelbukh

b) 副标题:Models, Resources, Applications

c) ISBN:970-3601472

d) 页数:198

e) 出版社:D.R.

f) 出版年:2004

g) 本书的一个详细的参考网站:http://www.gelbukh.com/clbook/

h) 简介:Can computers meaningfully process human language? If this is difficult, why? If this is possible, how? This book introduces the reader to the fascinating science of computational linguistics and automatic natural language processing, which combines linguistics and artificial intelligence. The main part of the book is devoted to the explanation of the inner working of a linguistic processor, a software module in charge of translating natural language input into a representation directly usable by traditional artificial intelligence applications and, vice versa, of translating their answer into human language. Overall emphasis in the book is made on a well-elaborated, though—for a number of historical reasons—so far little-known in the literature computational linguistic model called Meaning-Text Theory. For comparison, other models and formalisms are considered in detail.

28、 The Oxford Handbook Of Computational Linguistics

a) 作者: Ruslan Mitkov

b) ISBN: 978-0199276349

c) 页数: 806

d) 定价: $54.99

e) 出版社: Oxford University Press

f) 出版年:2005

g) 简介:Thirty-seven chapters, commissioned from experts all over the world, describe major concepts, methods, and applications in computational linguistics. Part I, Linguistic Fundamentals, provides an overview of the field suitable for senior undergraduates and non-specialists from other fields of linguistics and related disciplines. Part II describes current tasks, techniques, and tools in Natural Language Processing and aims to meet the needs of post-doctoral workers and others embarking on computational language research. Part III surveys current Applications. The book is a state-of-the-art reference to one of the most active and productive fields in linguistics. It will be of interest and practical use to a wide range of linguists, as well as to researchers in such fields as informatics, artificial intelligence, language engineering, and cognitive science.

29、 Natural Language Processing for Online Applications

a) 作者:Peter Jackson, Isabelle Moulinier

b) 副标题:Text retrieval, extraction and categorization

c) ISBN:978-9027249920

d) 页数:232

e) 定价:$158.00

f) 出版社:John Benjamins Publishing Co

g) 第一版出版年:2002;第二版出版年:2007

h) 简介:This book by Jackson and Moulinier provides an excellent overview of several sub-areas of NLP applied to natural language text. Both Jackson and Moulinier have been involved in implementing NLP applications in a commercial context, so there is a some concentration on applying NLP in real applications, rather than artificial contexts like the Message Understand Conferencedata set.

30、 计算语言学前瞻

a) 作者: 俞士汶 黄居仁

b) ISBN: 710004393X

c) 页数: 258

d) 定价: 15.0

e) 出版社: 商务印书馆

f) 出版年: 2005

g) 简介:本书由六篇文章组成,作者都是计算语言学领域的国际知名学者。这是他们在第19届国际计算语言学学术会议(COLING2002)上发表的特邀报告或综合评述。这些文章评估了该领域的研究现状,介绍了一些尖端成果,昭示了21世纪计算语言学的发展前景。




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