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专业背景:计算机科学 研究方向与兴趣: JavaEE-Web软件开发, 生物信息学, 数据挖掘与机器学习, 智能信息系统 目前工作: 基因组, 转录组, NGS高通量数据分析, 生物数据挖掘, 植物系统发育和比较进化基因组学


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USCS Genome Bioinformatics - http://genome.ucsc.edu/

Provides genome browser, gene sorter, blat search function, and publications.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 UCLA Bioinformatics - http://www.bioinformatics.ucla.edu/

Main web site for the UCLA Bioinformatics program.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Supercomputing Facility for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology - http://www.scfbio-iitd.res.in/scfbiogroup/bioinformaticsindia.htm

This facility at the Indian Institute of Technology aims to establish a nodal facility for supercomputing and develop novel scientific methods and new software for genome analysis.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Gerstein Group - http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/

Research in the field of bioinformatics, using computation to analyze genome sequences, expression datasets and macromolecular structures.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Genome Analysis and System Modeling Group of the Life Sciences Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory - http://compbio.ornl.gov/

The mission of this organization is to address fundamental questions in the life sciences and provide information and analytical resources to the wider biology research community.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Institute of Molecular Bioscience - http://www.imb.uq.edu.au/

The Institute for Molecular Bioscience is the centrepiece of a research complex being developed by the University of Queensland in partnership with Australia's CSIRO and other research agencies. Research focus is on animal, biomedical and pharmaceutical research and it has a major division of genomics and bioinformatics.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Roslin Institute Bioinformatics - http://bioinformatics.roslin.ac.uk/

Offers database lists, laws, and tool download, from Roslin Institute.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 USGS Center for Biological Informatics - http://biology.usgs.gov/cbi/

Facilitates access to and application of biological information.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Computational Biology Center at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center - http://www.cbc.mskcc.org

Bioinformatics and computational biology research.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Virginia Bioinformatics Institute - http://www.vbi.vt.edu/

Commonwealth of Virginia shared resource. Based at Virginia Tech.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory at Iowa State University - http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~honavar/aigroup.html

Development of data-driven knowledge acquisition in computational molecular biology from diverse, distributed, biological data sets with applications in genetic network inference and macromolecular structure-function characterization.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Brutlag Bioinformatics Group - http://motif.stanford.edu

Homepage of a group at Stanford University who are interested in the problems of predicting biological function and structure from primary sequence. Developers of EMOTIF, EMATRIX, and 3MOTIF.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics, University of New York at Buffalo - http://www.bioinformatics.buffalo.edu

Bioinformatics research center with over 100 scientists with biological, physical and computational expertise engaged in interdisciplinary research.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 The Centre for Bioinformation Science at The Australian National University - http://cbis.anu.edu.au/

Brings together researchers with backgrounds in mathematics, statistics and quantitative biology with the goal of developing a conceptual architecture for an information-based, integrative approach to complex biological systems.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Sudarsky Center for Computational Biology - http://www.cbc.huji.ac.il/

Multidisciplinary approach between biology and computer science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 The Centre for Integrative Bioinformatics Vrije University Amsterdam - http://ibivu.cs.vu.nl

The IBIVU hosts biostatistics, computer science, genomics, molecular cell physiology and core bioinformatics groups for research and education. Teaching includes an international 2-year bioinformatics master course.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Molecular Information Theory - http://www-lmmb.ncifcrf.gov/~toms/

Home page of the Molecular Information Theory group at the Center for Cancer Research Nanobiology Program, NIH.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Computational Biology Research Center - http://www.cbrc.jp/

Computational Biology Research Center at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. The focus is on bioinformatics in terms of information theory independent from experimental-biology projects.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Bioinformatics Centre, IMTECH, Chandigarh, India - http://www.imtech.res.in/bic/

A bioinformatics research centre with interests such as protein structure prediction and biocomputing. Provides useful software including some they have developed.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Computational Functional Genomics Laboratory - http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Teams/Team101

The Computational Functional Genomics Lab at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Biomolecular Modelling - http://www.bmm.icnet.uk

Group working on protein bioinformatics tools for fold recognition, modelling, docking, and protein interaction networks. Includes details of software, publications and databases.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Lawrence H. Baker Center for Bioinformatics and Biological Statistics - http://www.bioinformatics.iastate.edu

Bioinformatics faculty, research, training, and resources at Iowa State University.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Center for Computational Research - http://www.ccr.buffalo.edu/display/WEB/Home

CCR offers courses in high-performance computing and molecular modeling, training and workshops in specific aspects of high-end computing. University at Buffalo, State University of New York .

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Cologne University Bioinformatics Center - http://www.cubic.uni-koeln.de/

CUBIC is one of six bioinformatics centers which were merged to form the Network of Bioinformatics Competence Centers (NBCC). The center is designed as a research institution focused on the analysis of molecular networks in organisms.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Bioinformatics Unit at University of Manchester - http://bioinf.man.ac.uk/

Provides links both to projects and the people involved, comparative dot plots of whole genomes and chromosomal fragments, a browsable ontology of bioinformatics, Comparative interaction tables, 3D visualisation of the yeast protein clusters in the INTERACT database, EMBL-SCALAR, Search at SWISSPROT using Conceptual BLAST.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Theoretical and Computational Biology Group - http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/genomes/TCB/

The Theoretical and computational biology group at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge is headed by Cyrus Chothia. The group has a strong interest in genome analysis and protein structure.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics at Ghent University, Belgium - http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/

Group in the Department of Plant Systems Biology. Working on functional, structural, and comparative genomics.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 BioInformatics Centre - Singapore - http://www.bic.nus.edu.sg/

BIC hosts Bio-Resources including BioAgent, BioPortal, APBioNET, BioJournals, BioFTP Sites, BioSoftware, Biotech Directories, BioNet News/Archives, Bio Databases, Bio Catalogs, E-Mail Servers, Virtual Lib, Web Search, Patent Search

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 GeneSilico - http://genesilico.pl

Homepage of the Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Protein Engineering. Provides free access to a number of bioinformatic servers and databases and information about the interdisciplinary group headed by Janusz Bujnicki.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Center Systems Biology: University of Stuttgart - http://www.centersysbio.uni-stuttgart.de

Provides details of the Center, research, seminars, the central imaging project, partnerships, events and links.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Innovative Methods of Computing [IMC] - http://theobio.mtbio.de/imc/

Andreas Deutsch heads the theoretical biology research group at the Technische Universit?t Dresden, which is interested in the development of mathematical models and simulation tools to detect organizational principles of selected biological systems.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Center for Computational Biology at UCLA - http://www.loni.ucla.edu/CCB/

CCB develops computational biology methods. Main focus is on the brain, specifically on neuroimaging.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Vancouver Bioinformatics User Group - http://vanbug.org/

Association of researchers and students in British Columbia who have an interest in the field of bioinformatics. Meeting and contact information provided.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Hanah Margalit's Bioinformatics Lab - http://bioinfo.md.huji.ac.il/marg/

An Israeli lab focussing on: determination of T-cell epitopes along a protein sequence, protein-DNA interaction in transcription regulation, genome-scale analysis, sequence-structure relationship.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Computational Molecular Biology Training Group - http://www.bioinformatics.iastate.edu/IGERT/

Integrative graduate education and research training (IGERT) Computational Molecular Biology at Iowa State University. Major thrusts include bioinformatics, genomics, genome evolution, and macromolecular Structure and function studies.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Helix Bioinformatics Group - http://helix-web.stanford.edu/

This is a research group within the Stanford Medical Informatics laboratory directed by Russ Altman, MD, PhD. We focus on the application of computational techniques to problems in molecular biology. We are particularly interested in (1) knowledge-based systems for supporting scientific computation (2) the representation and manipulation of structural uncertainty, (3) and the development of novel representations of structure that are useful for computing.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Modlab - The Molecular Design Laboratory of the University of Freiburg - Germany - http://modlab.de

Modlab is a virtual research group at the biological faculty of the University of Freiburg. Its main aim is to complement the biology, chemistry and computer science curricula by teaching and research in bioinformatics and molecular design, and to provide the Gecco!(TM) prediction server.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Biochemical Networks Modeling Group - http://mendes.vbi.vt.edu/tiki-index.php

The Mendes research group at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Lab for Biocomputing and Informatics at Boston University - http://tandem.bu.edu

Focuses on development of algorithms and software tools for the detection and analysis of novel patterns and repeats in DNA and RNA sequences.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 BioInfoBank - http://bioinfo.pl

Polish Bioinformatics Center specializing in structural biology and rational drug design. Main services include the BioInfoBank Library, a biomedical data-mining site.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Central Plantation Crops Research Institute - http://bioinfcpcri.org/

Library and Bioinformatics Centre, with databases on the biotechnological aspects of coconut, cocoa and arecanut. Provides career opportunities, staff profiles and mission statement.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Bioinformatics and Computational Biosciences Unit - http://bioinformatics.georgetown.edu/

Home page for Georgetown University bioinformatics group.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 High Performance Computing and Informatics Office - http://hpcio.cit.nih.gov/

Provides expertise and resources in high performance computing, computational science, biomedical informatics, and modern information technology to the NIH scientific community. For NIH scientists only.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 CVS and CIR Bioinformatics - http://www.bioinf.mvm.ed.ac.uk

Based in the Queen's Medical Research Institute (QMRI) at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. Bioinformatics support and research within the cardiovascular and inflammation medical research centres.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 bioinfo-hr.org - http://www.bioinfo-hr.org/

Home of the Bioinformatics Group at the Faculty of Science, Zagreb, Croatia. Research include: codon usage analysis (INCA software package), and microarray data processing in context of metabolic pathway networks (MADNet).

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 http://www.dinulab.org/ - http://www.dinulab.org/

Provides information on research, led by Dr Valentin Dinu at Arizona State University, into the assessment, improvement and development of computational approaches, software applications and databases.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Structural Bioinformatics Lab at Boston University - http://structure.bu.edu/

The homepage for the Structural Bioinformatics Lab at Boston University under Dr. Sandor Vajda.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Bioinformatics Computational Core Laboratories - http://www.vcu.edu/csbc/bccl/

Research at BCCL at Virginia Commonwealth University is focused on the Cryptosporidium hominis genome sequencing project.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Wold Lab: Bioinformatics - http://woldlab.caltech.edu/

The Wold Lab at the California Institute of Technology is interested in the composition, evolution and function of regulatory networks that govern how mammalian cell fates are specified and executed during development and during regeneration.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Institute of Bioinformatics Zhejiang University - http://ibi.zju.edu.cn/

Home page of the bioinformatics research group at Zhejiang University, China.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Computational Genetics Laboratory - http://www.epistasis.org

Develops and applies computational and statistical methods to detecting and characterizing genetic, genomic, and proteomic biomarkers of common human diseases.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Computational Genomics Laboratory - http://eao.igc.gulbenkian.pt/CGL/index.html

Home page of the computational genomics group at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Center for Computational Biology - Montana State University - http://nervana.montana.edu/

An interdisciplinary academic unit supporting research, training, and technology transfer in computational biology.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Computational Structural Biology - Prof. Amedeo Caflisch Research Group - http://www.biochem-caflisch.unizh.ch/

Developing of computational methodologies and software tools for the study of protein folding, misfolding and aggregation as well as structure-based drug design.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Virtual Institute of Bioinformatics in Eire - http://www.bioinf.org/

The Virtual Institute of Bioinformatics in Eire (VIBE) is an initiative to consolidate bioinformatics research in the Republic of Ireland.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 AG BIODV: Software Development for Molecular Biology - http://www.gsf.de/biodv

AG BIODV is a research group at the GSF National Research Center for Environment and Health. We develop software tools for sequence and promoter analysis.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Gary Churchill's Statistical Genetics Group - http://research.jax.org/faculty/churchill/

A group at Jackson Laboratories, who are developing statistical and computational tools for the study of genetics and molecular biology. Major interests seem to be QTL analysis and analysis of expression array results.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 The Bioinformatics Group at the Paterson Institute, Manchester, UK - http://bioinformatics.picr.man.ac.uk/

A research group focusing on the analysis of high throughput bioinformatics data. Producers of bioconductor packages and databases for microarray analysis and quality control.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Discovery Informatics and Computing Group - http://bio.informatics.iupui.edu/

Bioinformatics group led by Prof. Jake Chen at the Indiana University School of Informatics, IUPUI campus.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 BIOMAP Project - http://biomap.org/

BIOMAP Project Website of Bioinformatics Group at Faculty of IT, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Mount Sinai School of Medicine: Bioinformatics Laboratory - http://www.mountsinai.org/Research/Centers%20Laboratories%20and%20Programs/Bioinformatics%20Laboratory

Provides an overview of the laboratory and details of publications, research projects and the research team.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Computational Biology and Bioinformatics - http://compbio.charite.de

Group at Charité Berlin developing algorithms and applications in the field of gene ontology, phenotypic analysis, machine learning and modeling of biological networks, using the tools of linear algebra and graph theory.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Medical College of Wisconsin: Informatics Research - http://www.mcw.edu/display/docid6889.htm

Provides information on the areas of interest and the research projects being undertaken.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 National Bioinformatics Research Center - http://www.bio-it.org

Computational biology research in Iran.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Bioininformatics at ICGEB - http://bioinfo.icgeb.res.in/labpage/

Provides information on the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology at New Delhi, India, the research being undertaken in the bioinformatics lab, the people, events and publications.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Structural Bioinformatics Group - http://ufq.unq.edu.ar/sbg/

Structural Bioinformatics Group at Quilmes National University in Argentina.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 DISCO Research Group - http://bioinformatics.bio.disco.unimib.it/

Computational Biology and Natural Computing.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 NDSU Plant Abiotic Stress, Genomics and Bioinformatics Group - http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/virtual-genomics

Homepage of a group at North Dakota State University.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Bioinformatics and Genomics - http://gene.tamu.edu/faculty_discipline_bioinformatics.htm

Details of lab members and their research interests. Based in the Faculty of Genetics, Texas A&M University.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Lussier Phenomics Research Group - http://www.dmi.columbia.edu/lussier/

Conducts research in the emerging field of phenomics, using computation to model phenotypes, integrate genomic with phenotypic datasets, and analyze phenomes to aid the understanding and the treatment of diseases.

 国外生物信息研究所 - fhqdddddd - 流浪云南 Discovery Systems Laboratory at Vanderbilt University - http://discover1.mc.vanderbilt.edu/discover/public/

Develops algorithms for the discovery of causality and gene pathway relationships in the data using Bayesian Networks.

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